Nothing Beside Remains Updated · 4:23pm Aug 30th, 2017
Nothing Beside Remains has been thoroughly buffed up and edited ready for the Nightmare Moon competition.
Comments and critique on the changes are welcome.
Nothing Beside Remains has been thoroughly buffed up and edited ready for the Nightmare Moon competition.
Comments and critique on the changes are welcome.
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2415173 I appreciate that. My muse tends to flit to some more fruitful parts of canon before others. Sequel links work okayish but with so many I have been considering one. The problem is I'm not entirely sure how to link it or the best way to do so.
For your assistance (in chronological order):
1) Ascension (prequel-in progress) approximately 800 years pre NMM
2) Ready and Waiting to Fall (finished) 5 years pre NMM
3) Cost of Harmony (finished) NMM
4) Sunset Impossible (side story-finished) Approximately 990 years post NMM
5) The Solar Steward (in progress) 1000 years post NMM
Hope this helps
The core fics for the moment are 2, 3 and 5 though of course all fit into the universe.
Cheers. Appreciate the fave.
2325125 You're welcome! And thank YOU for the watch!
2325121 Hey :) Thanks for the welcome! I know it probably doesn't look like it with the amount I've posted but I've only been on for less than a week! (Somehow it already feels longer)
I don't know if you've taken a gander at any of the stories I've posted (sadly no Rainbow yet, though I do intend to rectify that in the near future). I'd be thrilled to hear any thoughts you have.
Once again thank-you for the awesome welcome.
Hello, I see you are a new user! I'm ParkerthePegasister, and this may be a little late, but welcome to FIMFiction!