• Member Since 4th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 9th, 2014


I love to write, draw, and do other artistic things. FIMfiction is giving me a chance to write my own stories about one of my favorite shows, My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic!


Proofreaders and Editors Wanted · 6:34pm Feb 18th, 2014

Hello FIM, I have a request for any proofreaders or editors that are reading this. Will you help edit/proofread my stories?
I can't pay you for your help, but you will get 50% credit for my stories as long as they remain mine.

Want to check out my writing skills before you start working with me? Check out my work and see what you think.

Report rainwater12 · 449 views · Story: Forget ·

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More Chapters and Contests · 6:38pm Mar 19th, 2014

Another Chapter has arrived! Forget is finally back in business. I'm sorry it took so long for the chapter to show up, I'm a bit of a slow writer... I'll try to post my chapters more often.

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Report rainwater12 · 421 views · Story: Forget ·
Comments ( 58 )
  • Viewing 49 - 58 of 58

Hey, I'm Colt Alchemist. I read on the Artist thread for art for fanfiction that you can create good cover art in either a day or a week. And I've seen some of your coverart for your fics on your page, and they look pretty good. So do you think you could help create a cover for one of my fics?

1205249 No problem, you have great stories.:twilightsmile:

Thanks for the follow! It means a lot

1162953 It was pretty good. Thanks for asking.:twilightsmile:

1156431 It seems you have...:pinkiegasp:

Hiya! I dared to comment. :pinkiecrazy:

You have my thanks for following me. I hope you will enjoy your stay as I try to keep to the standard that I have somehow set for myself.

1148644 I will except that Mustache, thank you and your welcome!:twilightsmile:

Thanks for the watch. have a :moustache:

  • Viewing 49 - 58 of 58
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