• Member Since 1st Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 8th, 2014



It's been a while... what'd I miss? · 1:42pm Dec 22nd, 2013

Me, being the lazy procrastinator I am, left for... a while. A lot longer than expected admittedly.

But I logged on at last. Few things:

-Most of the R34 blogs are gone (middle man work for porn was cool for a time. But itseems redundant, given this website)

-I will be leaving a few groups

That's it. Now I noticed a few things when logging in.

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Report FrostMane · 756 views ·
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It's been a while... what'd I miss? · 1:42pm Dec 22nd, 2013

Me, being the lazy procrastinator I am, left for... a while. A lot longer than expected admittedly.

But I logged on at last. Few things:

-Most of the R34 blogs are gone (middle man work for porn was cool for a time. But itseems redundant, given this website)

-I will be leaving a few groups

That's it. Now I noticed a few things when logging in.

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Report FrostMane · 756 views ·