• Member Since 15th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 21st, 2016


I'm that teen-aged Yorkshireman with the vast collection of hats and a pair of mutton chops.


The new story has landed! · 7:55pm May 31st, 2014

I can't remember if this site informs followers when new stories have been made, I've been away for so long. Instead of researching this, I have decided that it is a better use of my time to inform you this way. Do not question me.

You can find the story here.

That's all for now, folks. This is TheFIMguru, signing off.

Report TheFIMguru · 453 views · Story: The Apple "Family" ·

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About me.

I'm your average brony writer and musician with a pair of mutton chops and a vast collection of hats. I like Anime, gaming, MLP, writing, composing and just generally having a good time with a pint and a couple of chums. When it comes to music, I tend to compose exact opposites of the spectrum; electric insanity and chillout, often tropical. I'm the same with my writing as well, but often my fics tend to take a bit of a dark turn... Check out my Soundcloud page if you're interested in that kind of thing. I do have a YouTube account under the same name, but Soundcloud's the best for music. I upload more there too.

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