• Member Since 20th Sep, 2012
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More apologies.... and a sneak peak at Chapter 9!!!!!! · 4:22am Feb 18th, 2015

Yes ladies and gentlemen, that is right! This blog contains spoilers to the way way way way way behind chapter nine and its untold riches of humor and serious story that partakes in Equestria. I'm having this chapter be a long one, which is one reason that it has taken this long, as well as work of course. Which has slowed a bit finally. Like I know I said that before, but that was before I got promoted and more money and responsibilities and blah =P So I've been taking my sweet time on this

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Report Cabral095 · 497 views · Story: The Little Things In Life ·
Comments ( 18 )
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I know this is mega late ^^ But thank you so much for watching me, i'm glad you enjoy my stories and hope you continue to!-FE:heart:

1468334 :pinkiehappy: Great to hear! Me? I've been doing pretty well for someone who doesn't have an actively updating train series to watch, Rhys brought back OTH better than ever, but he only has 2 months shore leave at a time, DarkDJ is biding his time or something, ProblemProductions is apparently never continuing his thing, LeoKim is the same as ever, and all the American ones are on indefinite hiatus. I've found refuge in other things like GoT and Doctor Who, but I still want nothing more than for the train series' to return.

1466071 It's fine, you can message here, yep I am alive! Hopefully the series will come back to being soon. I've just recently got time off of work because the season slowed. But I need a new computer to do the series nicely. I'll probably upload a few other vids, and get back to the actual series when I get a new computer to handle all kinds of fancy things! How are you doing?

So you ARE alive. I know this site probably isn't the place to ask this, but does this mean that The AR Chronicles and A Twist in Fate will be continued?

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