• Member Since 17th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I am dyslexic, so updates to all stories will be slowed by heavy editing! In the mean time, cheek out my tumbler comic 'Professor Lyra' or my Duhad youtube page for readings and more!


Colgate vs The Army of Darkness: Update · 4:41am May 30th, 2014

We are THIS close to putting up the follow up to Pony Dead! We have a title card, we have 14k words worth of fanfiction covering the first 4 chapters and we have a lose deadline of next week! Get hyped!

My friend CreativPony drew the new title card, so give it a look if you want to get an idea for what the new story will be about.

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Report Duhad8 · 342 views · Story: The Pony Dead ·
Comments ( 71 )
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They all got them


Well, they all be getting follows soon

1549330 A bit late to the answer, but yeah; Soundspeed and LightningRabbit both do--but they really don't seem to do anything on the site. (Soundspeed even has his own group)

Cabral--he does some great writing.

Some of the others from the reads are on here too (NeroBrony, Gmoney , and Rydel)

Been meaning to ask. Is anyone else from the let's read gang on Fimfic?

  • Viewing 67 - 71 of 71
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