• Member Since 13th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jan 28th, 2016

You Shall Not Pass

I say, "My Diminutive Equine, Camaraderie is Enchantment" is a smashing show!


I am a Lazy Bastard – Pony Role-Playing · 6:40am Jun 10th, 2012

What it says on the title. So what have I been doing instead of writing fanfiction, which I really ought to get back to doing, by the way? Online forum pony role-playing!

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NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN NEIN! · 8:25pm Mar 27th, 2012

Scootaloo chicken burgers are, at least theoretically, available in German McDonalds. But after weeks of searching, I have not found any Scootaloo burgers and I likely never will, now that I am leaving the country.

I'm smelling sabotage... It's all Fegelein's fault!

Bringen Sie mir Fegelein! FEGELEIN! FEGELEIN! FEGELEIN!

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Phun with Phlags with Photoshop · 7:35pm Feb 21st, 2012

So, I decided to refresh my mediocre photoshop skills by making some pony flags. Below are two possible versions of an Equestrian triangular war pennant. The latter design is a bit more generous in representing Celestia.

EDIT: Oh blast. It seems like having a white flag on a white background makes some things rather invisible.

Equestrian Pennant v.1

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Scootaloo-Burger bei McDonalds · 9:11am Feb 11th, 2012

It's official! The Scootaloo Burger won the German McDonald's chicken burger naming contest.

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Super Seedy Spider Squeezy 6000 · 4:21pm Jan 29th, 2012

Steampunk is now canon! Unfortunately, this has given my subconscious some very strange ideas. In a dream last night, the Flim Flam brothers' machine was renamed the Super Seedy Spider Squeezy 6000. It squeezed... spiders.

How exactly is spider paste profitable? Your guess is as good as mine.

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Substandard Stallion Soldier Sketches and Scribbles · 8:17am Jan 11th, 2012

Military history is my favorite subject. I happen to like My Little Pony. Sketching is one of my hobbies. So let's combine all three!

Equestria Daily is hosting a war-themed drawing contest thing, with five picture prompts released during this week. I can't wait to get started!

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Frohes neues Jahr! · 11:43pm Dec 31st, 2011

I used to think random, indiscriminate firepower was an American specialty, but the fireworks outside my 12th story window in Berlin have put anything I've seen in the States to shame. Everypony in Berlin is crazy! The whole city looks and sounds like a warzone. Berliners apparently think it's fine to aim roman candles at apartment blocks, so I've had some fireworks explode within maybe 30 feet of my face tonight. Thanks to my open window, my room now smells like gunpowder.

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That time of year · 1:50pm Dec 25th, 2011

Mele Kalikimaka e Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!

Report You Shall Not Pass · 373 views ·