• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen May 30th, 2022


Just another average teenage pony who just loves MLP and Rainbow Dash as much as she hates exams. I love to make new friends and always follow back. :)

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Comments ( 15 )
  • Viewing 6 - 15 of 15

Thanks for the follow.

2255134 Your welcome! And I will definitely read the ones you mentioned.

Hey, just wanted to thank you for adding 'Philosophy of the Gator' to your favourites! :pinkiehappy:

If you enjoyed that, there may be others in my library you'll like;

'The Ball' is a similarly philosophical fic. This one surrounds a young nameless filly whose curiosity causes her to challenge the innate laws of the Universe! I warn you, it's written in rhyme, which can get a little stale for some people.

'Remembering, Mother' centres around Applejack as she mourns her parents after a hard day working the farm.

'Nightmare In Rainbow' is more on the light side of things. It's a cute short which follows Dash's reaction to a terrible nightmare!

You can find more stories (and upcoming projects) on my page, too! I hope you get a chance to enjoy some of these stories, and thanks again for the love you've already shown! :heart:

Thank you so much for the fave on Sunset's Story!

2129024 Don't mention it!

Thanks for the watch and favorite on Destinies for a Day!:twilightsmile:

Thanks for the follow and favs :)

Hey! Thanks for the follow and fave! I'll be sure to update "The Cutie Mark Crusade" very soon; working on some other ideas right now so be sure to check my other stories! :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 6 - 15 of 15
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  • 403 weeks
    No physics!!

    Guess what you guys... NO PHYSICS FOR A LOOOONG TIME FOR ME!!!
    Well, ya see our physics teacher decided to suddenly leave our school and we haven't got any other physics teacher other then that one, so you know what that means..
    NO PHYSICS!!!:pinkiecrazy:
    Well most of you out there don't actually know, but if there was a subject I'd like to eliminate from the world, it would be physics. I'm cool with all the other subjects actually.

    2 comments · 385 views