• Member Since 15th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

The Dark Brony

Hello all! I am and Englishman who had now began to write and has just stepped out the proverbial broney closet.


Gender: Male
Name: Craig Rhodes
Birth: December 10
Time Zone: GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT
Favourite Quotes:
"God would never put us through all this suffering if he didn't think we could bear it." Yuuki from SAO.


Rewrite notice for A Death March To The Fall Of Equestria · 7:30pm Mar 1st, 2020

This story will be in rewrite status for a short time to fix many of the errors we have been having.

Both myself and Kye Belmont are sorry for delaying the progress of this and hope the fixes and changes are to your liking.

Please don’t give bad criticism and give good criticism, as these may help not just improve what will be changed but also what will come in the future.

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Comments ( 75 )
  • Viewing 71 - 75 of 75

Well that's good I can't count how many stories that are really good but dead

3241889 Don't worry I am still alive, it's just a matter that I have recently been in a constant state of writer's block or in editing hell which is taking a lot of time up. Progress is still being made but slowly.

Are you even alive it's been like a year since you updated

Thank you for the fave.

i see what is it ublt

  • Viewing 71 - 75 of 75
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