• Member Since 8th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Dec 14th, 2015


Stea is a changeling...that gets into some shenanigans...at times...who is she kidding she gets in some strange antics ALL the time.


Updates (life and such) · 4:24pm Oct 1st, 2015

Wh- Oh yeah I have crossovers to do...don't I?
Anyway, sorry about being dead for what I think was a month.
I am nearing fall break and that must mean i need to uphold some promises.
Firstly I got a message from someone that they also wanted to preform a crossover.

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Report steastritz · 252 views · Story: Ponyville's Gate ·
Comments ( 18 )
  • Viewing 14 - 18 of 18

Thank you for the fav.

Thanks for faving the Rainboom Thieves!

Ah, I've been threatened with worse than stalkers.

That's what they say at first. Then they will ask "Are you following me still?" Then "Stop." And finally "I am getting a restraining order against You."
Did...did I make that seem creepy?

Thanks for the follow!

  • Viewing 14 - 18 of 18
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