Happy Chocolate-Hearts Day! For HONOR! · 8:14pm Feb 14th, 2017
Hey everyone, Erised here.
Normally Valentine's day never really meant a whole lot to me (being the cynical, lonely nerd that I am). But I wanted to take the time to shout out to the brony fandom, or at least the small number of people I reach with these holiday-ly blog posts.
Well, we haven't heard from you in 3 years. Hope you are ok wherever you are. Thanks for the laughs.
You alright? You've been off for multiple months now. Hopefully it isn't anything bad.
You get this for your reaction to my "pleasure myself" comment!
I wish you hadn't outright deleted your Skyrim crossover/fusion. If I hadn't gotten lucky and found your profile, then finding the rewrite when it gets posted would have been pretty difficult.
Grats on the feature box!