• Member Since 17th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


We are resolved to destroy Hitler and every vestige of the Nazi regime. From this nothing will turn us—nothing. We will never parley, we will never negotiate with Hitler or any of his gang.

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Thanks for the follow!

Thanks for the fav!! :rainbowwild:

Мой друг, всегда стоит немного узнать речь твоей матери

Anyway, good to know that is the reason for the harp. Thanks for answering by the way ;)

Sorry for the delay. I play the autoharp, but not the harp: my OC plays the harp because he's a bard (or, rather, a filidh, which is the Level 35 Boss to the bard's Level 1 thug to use the outdated meme 😛) and the harp was one of the instruments related to the . I created him when I was really interested in Scottish culture, and I felt a bard, who were the keepers of lore and tradition, would be a good way to represent my interest in history.

As for the Russian-styled writing... I'm not sure what you're getting at? "Valentin Sokolov"?

Hello there!

Thank you for the watch, I hope you enjoy Fallout: Equestria or Stories about the sadness within the human soul. Those are kinda the only two things I really produce.

If you wanna join the massive community, check out my discord of over 600 people/ponies/gryphons/other gathered together to enjoy ponies, 40K, sci-fi, and video games!

Remember something through, the stories here on FimFiction live and die based upon the upvote/downvote bar. So anything you enjoy please do drop the upvote and if you don't like it; downvote! I need that feedback too to let me know what I should keep going with.

Lastly, if you leave comments, yes I answer them; ALL OF THEM eventually... sometimes same day, sometimes you get a response a month later.

Now to prove I read your profile:
I see you subscribe to making sure to make ponies, ponies. Good! Now the question I really have, why all the Russian Style Stories and the harp? Can you play the harp? OR it is just something that fascinates you?

Thank you again,


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