• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen Aug 2nd, 2019



Lessons in Chaos Update · 3:46am Feb 19th, 2019

Hey, y'all. Just wanted to let you know I'm still here and provide a quick update on the status of this story.

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Report TobiasDrake · 348 views · Story: Lessons in Chaos ·

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I'm right near the end of Part IV, and I just wanted to say


This is one of the most awesome deconstructions I've ever read, ever. I love how it hits heavy, and I love how it creeps up on you with the entire point. There's a lull in the middle there that throws you off, and the sudden wake-up call is played to great effect.

Deconstructions are motherflippin' delicious, and notoriously hard to pull off -- they take a lot of patience, work and understanding of the source material. They take a keen eye, attention to detail and guts.

People say that the greatest admiration you can give to an author is to copy them... but that just doesn't hold up - not when there's something even better you can do... Not when you can take someone's work, take it apart to the bare metal and shine a light on everything it claims to stand for. And then see if it holds up.

Not as of yet. I have several more story ideas that I want to get out, but I figured I'd keep writing until I ran out.

Do you have an eventual end planned for your writing?

Your really good at this. Stories that is. :ajsmug:

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