• Member Since 27th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen Oct 20th, 2018

Earl Grey

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*sleepily logs into fimfiction* · 8:14am Apr 4th, 2013

Oh, one new notification.

*clicks button*

Gravekeeper has favourited 'Once More, With Feeling'

*Stares sleepily at screen*

Wait... what!?

Report Earl Grey · 641 views ·
Comments ( 8 )
  • Viewing 4 - 8 of 8

It's so quiet around here...


So you shall be my first opponent.


I like your stories.  Hey want to check out my story Ace Combat: Divided Feelings?

Can I hug you avatar? Is that even possible? No, okay I still want too

Hey I'm going to comment on your Album entry now because I'm a slow slow person!
I love Blossomforth's thing for yoga. I find that quite amusing and wonderful. Very nice.

  • Viewing 4 - 8 of 8
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