• Member Since 2nd Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 17th, 2019


Active Oldschool RuneScape player and for now retired writer.

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    Whilst I was waiting for my final surgery, with nothing to do since I forgot my book at home. I encountered a colt who by the looks of it is terrified for his own surgery. With nothing better to do, I decided to help him.
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  • THow did I even end up here?
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  • TWell, this is awkward
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  • T“There is something that I want to ask you.”
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  • TInterrupted by duties.
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  • TNew classmate.
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This really makes me laugh · 11:11am May 16th, 2016

So, for once we were given a group assignment.

Two in my group got one thing each, and the other two got one to share. And then I of course have three things to talk about (did I mention I got two days to get ready?)

So, I get two parts done, and I just found out I am the first to speak in my group.

This is just too precious xD

Report Wacuire · 430 views ·
Comments ( 1077 )
  • Viewing 1,073 - 1,077 of 1,077

thanks for the fav ^_^

Thank you for adding This Isn't War to your favorites! Feedback is always appreciated!

Thanks for giving Woundsalt a little love!

2206722 Same as on here :p

Hey what's your name on osrs? :twilightsmile: Mine's EclipseStar

  • Viewing 1,073 - 1,077 of 1,077
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Thank you, Jasmine Tea, for this drawing ^_^