• Member Since 14th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen June 10th


About Me

Art Requests, Anime and game reviews.
Sometimes write a bit.

Ascension is rising!

Got a picture Request?

I take requests for Story covers, wallpapers, Group banners and other random bits of art. PM me or Comment below if you have a request.


oh Anders. · 8:34pm May 10th, 2014

Just finished a replay of DAII in prep for Inquisition. I enjoyed it a lot more than I had the first time.

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If you think to defeat me then I think you'll find yourself sadly lacking. For this is a challenge you cannot surpass. I just wanted to deliver a stunning riposte in gif form =P and for you I went with Kill la Kill.

Hey, I know we've barely talked, but I've already got Dunsparce and Kinkamena on Skype and it'd be cool to have you as well.

Add me if you wanna chat or play Pokemon or something: se7en81493

So, le Spaced. My OC Tournament has developed a hole where a participant should be. If you're interested?

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