• Member Since 25th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 12th, 2015



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Writing plans!

Crusader No More...
One-shot, sad & tragedy fic
Status: Under Development
Editor: N/A
Pre-Reader: N/A

Of Memoires and Vengeance
Long romance, sad & dark fic
Status: Under Development
Editor: N/A
Pre-Reader: N/A

60's Spiderman Returns To Equestria: Spidey's Interactive Adventure
Long interactive, comedy and human fic
Status: Working on chapter 2 (Twilight Sparkle)

Dinky Do and The Lost Sapphire Statue
Tragedy & adventure fic
Status: Might cancel

Long romance
Status: Working on chapter 2: "Everfree Forest"

A PewDie and barrels misadventure
Long comedy, alternate universe crossover
Status: Under Development
Editor: N/A
Pre-Reader: N/A


Giving up and being busy · 5:14pm Feb 26th, 2013

Many might've thought that I gave up on writing and... even I did for a while. But my love didn't let me lose my faith so I might be writing once again. I've been focusing on art in the last while so I didn't write a thing. I'm sorry if I let anyone down. >_<

Anyway, less updates will come, but I'm not dead. What is up next? I have no idea.

This shall be interesting.

Stay cool! :heart:

Report Unknown-Brony · 435 views ·
Comments ( 19 )
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Thanks for the watch and the opportunity to work with you! It'll be fun! :twilightsmile:


Thanks for the shout-out!

You keep the content comin', I'll keep trying to keep up with the editing. :twilightsheepish:

  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19
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