• Member Since 30th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 17th, 2016



I'll do it! · 6:57am May 8th, 2014

I'll finish BSAP. I've been gone for quite a while. I'll begin work soon. I'm sorry. I hope this is good news. I'll write all the chapters and then release them all relatively at the same time. I'm not just slapping an ending on it either, I intend to do a good job.

First, I have to finish wrapping up some stuff in real life, and then talk to my talented editor, SpaceCommie .

But yeah, it's happening.

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Report Uke-Joe · 1,105 views · Story: But, She's a Pony! ·

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I'll do it! · 6:57am May 8th, 2014

I'll finish BSAP. I've been gone for quite a while. I'll begin work soon. I'm sorry. I hope this is good news. I'll write all the chapters and then release them all relatively at the same time. I'm not just slapping an ending on it either, I intend to do a good job.

First, I have to finish wrapping up some stuff in real life, and then talk to my talented editor, SpaceCommie .

But yeah, it's happening.

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Report Uke-Joe · 1,105 views · Story: But, She's a Pony! ·
Comments ( 62 )
  • Viewing 58 - 62 of 62

2248192 I have been waiting too... I loved that story...

Please tell me you're going to finish "But, She's a Pony!" soon!! :fluttercry:

You said you would finish BSAP. . .

Oi m8! If you're not gonna finish BSIAP, Please tell everyone....

Hope we see you soon!

  • Viewing 58 - 62 of 62
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