• Member Since 20th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 2nd, 2015

Something Eight

Riffs I've Done - And Other Things

Solo Canon
Rain-Blow Job featuring Killer Steel
darf's Dumbass Blog of Douchebaggery featuring Atlas Nebula and Sigma Duke
The Magical Sloth That Went To Equestria featuring electreXcessive
Applejack Gets Screwed & Nailed featuring electreXcessive and Simon O' Sullivan
Rarities of the Twilight- Affairs of Love and Flesh featuring Draklox
For Love Of Pain with Atlas Nebula and Draklox
Farewell To Innocence with electreXcessive.
A Nightmarish Relationship with CartsBeforeHorses.
My Second Life - (Part One)(Part Two)
Sweet Apple Aches
My Little Stashie
Dirty Sexy Pony (By far the weirdest riff I've ever contributed to)
Not Now, Big Brother
Xenophila - (Chapter Six)
Mouthing Off featuring Sigma Duke
Equestrian Honest Trailers
My Second Life

Comments ( 30 )
  • Viewing 26 - 30 of 30

Noticed your avatar in the comments of a story somewhere, and, seeing as it's RWBY fan-art, I thought you might like to know this group actually exists. Not sure if you just like RWBY, or all of Rooster Teeth, but I figured I'd just let a fellow RWBY fan know there's an RT group. :twilightsmile:

Regi's boyfriend, huh? Godang you is lucky to be with such a sexy beast.

Thanks for the watch! I hope to continue whatever it was that caused you to watch me!

I've got Captain Joker online. Now let's complete that riff of Arf! (or Twi and Shy's heavy petting.)

Thanks for the watch, mate! :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 26 - 30 of 30
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2015 Time · 6:11am Jan 1st, 2015

Another year gone. A year filled with drama, apathy, and weirdness, but a year that did have some worth nonetheless. 2014 was definitely an interesting year, and 2015 seems like it will be just as interesting, because... Avengers 2 and Star Wars Episode 7.

My film fanaticism will be the death of me.

Happy new year, lovelies.

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