Parting Words · 4:05am Feb 12th, 2014
"Scars remind us where we've been. They don't have to dictate where we're going."
Agent David Rossi
(Criminal Minds: The Slave of Duty (#5.10) (2009))
I've been watching a lot of Criminal Minds lately. It's been one of my favorite shows for a few years now. One of my favorite things about it is the opening and closing quotes they have for almost every episode.
Futaloo thanks you for your watch!
I should've done this a long time ago, but I think I really do owe you a watch.
You're one of the nicest people on the site and I think you deserve all the love and praise that you get.
Hell, you probably deserve a lot more hugs than you get.
Just wanna let this be known now. You, my good man/woman/pony are extremely awesome. Rest assured, I owe ya many hugs. (All the awkwardness.)
You...are probably one of the nicest people I've rarely spoken to. Granted, we do need to talk more often.
Thank you. Thank you so much.