• Member Since 24th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 30th, 2015

Mes Amis


Can I Ask Y'all A Wee Question? · 7:13am Apr 8th, 2013

I've benne thinking about my work so far and what I see is failure in my original works but success in things that have no known origin. In other words, I don't know where I should continue or if I should stop now. My question to you who even read these is, where & what are my strengths and weaknesses in my work so far. From what I perceived so far was people like my flashbacks of sorts but that's all. I'm really hoping anyone could at least inform me on where to go because if my work is boring

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I would be honored to join the 501st Party Brigade. Thank You For The Invitation and for reading my work.

Hey as a fan of some of your fics I gotta say thanks for the hard work. I would like you to join my group I started up called the 501st party brigade. :pinkiehappy:

K I'll post them on the fic ASAP!

Hey dude,here is the draft to one of mine chapters.

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