• Member Since 28th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen August 31st


Exploits to Be Astonished By


PURGE COMPLETE · 9:03pm Mar 4th, 2018

Wow, that was a trip down nope lane. Finished purging all of this honestly terrible writing. Will write something eventually for this website. Give me a bit.

Report Saki · 318 views ·

A Chunk of Nothing

Comments ( 6 )
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Thank you for the fav on Celestia's Rocket Adventures! I'd appreciate it if you'd leave a like and some feedback in the comments!

Thanks for the favorite on Rules of Engagement, much appreciated. I'd love to hear any feedback you have, and how you discovered my story in the first place:twilightsmile:

Good luck on your stories, and never give up. :raritystarry:

Thank you for favoriting Heart of Diamonds. I truly appreciate it. :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for adding "Chronomistress" to your favorites. :rainbowkiss:

14 and mentally unstable.:unsuresweetie:

We're on the same boat my friend. I too am 14 and a soscyopathic rampage just waiting to happen. Don't worry friend I got your back if you ever need any help or support.:eeyup:

  • Viewing 2 - 6 of 6
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