• Member Since 24th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen May 6th, 2015


Fanfiction fan and new mlp enthusiast. Always wanted to try writing but never seem to be able to finish anything.


People watching. · 5:28am Jun 11th, 2012

I love people watching.

I myself are following 11 people (i know that isn't much) and i definitely like reading peoples blog. I just can't understand people watching people that don't do anything. I know this because unless they have really good stories or are writing alot, i don't watch them. But people watching me I really don't understand. I have no current fanfictions and i am currently not in the process of writing any.

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Report Master_somepony · 441 views ·
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Thank you for the favorite on my story, “Luna’s Nightmare Night Challenge!” I’m glad you enjoyed it.


Thanks so much for the fav!

I'm super glad you enjoyed:pinkiehappy:

More is on the way!


PS: cool blog post! i always love when people put pic's in

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People watching. · 5:28am Jun 11th, 2012

I love people watching.

I myself are following 11 people (i know that isn't much) and i definitely like reading peoples blog. I just can't understand people watching people that don't do anything. I know this because unless they have really good stories or are writing alot, i don't watch them. But people watching me I really don't understand. I have no current fanfictions and i am currently not in the process of writing any.

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Report Master_somepony · 441 views ·