• Member Since 5th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 12th, 2013


I'm a student at DigiPen with some skills in music, art, programming, and particularly writing. I've written a variety of fanfics, usually involving ponies in some form or another.


Update! · 8:10am Jul 9th, 2013

Two words: Summer job.

That's kept me rather tied down, save for evenings when I curl up with a beer and a few hours on Borderlands 2. Speaking of...

I'd like to announce that I'm going to be starting another fic involving a ponified version of Pandora. Has this been done before? Most likely. I honestly haven't bothered to check. So far, I've planned the line up as such:

1. Twilight Sparkle as the Siren
2. Rainbow Dash as the Gunzerker

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Author is dead. Rip in pepperonis.

[Hey! You alive?]
[Hope that your phone or something will pop up a message saying that somebody commented on your profile...]

Hey, just wanted to say I read your stuff and I noticed that you attend DigiPen. I myself was just recently accepted into the school and its cool that someone else goes there who also loves ponies and rvb. Anyway, keep up the good work.


What be thine Fanfiction.net username?

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