• Member Since 10th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Someone who hijacked the orbital defence grid. Let's hope it doesn't have to be used.


Star Wars: Republic Commando · 9:15am Apr 11th, 2016

Before about 2300 hours last night, I hadn't played SW:RC in literal years (beyond the one-level demo the Classic X-Box got for placing a certain movie into the disk tray). Then, because of Steam Family Sharing with my brother, I was able to download the game, and play through the entire campaign in one run - and despite being on medium, I never had my whole squad down once (we certainly came close, to the point of if any member of the squad took one more hit we'd be dead, and we were

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Hey there, thanks for the faves.

Thank you for adding The Soldier and Hope to your Favorites.:twilightsmile:

May I ask what you enjoy about it?

Thank you for the favorites of one of my stories and I hope you enjoy it very much

Thank you so much for the favorites

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