Body Suits and Costumes. 47 members · 40 stories

The Full Set!

Body Suits is a group dedicated to full body suits, whether they are form fitting latex, mascot outfits, onesie pajamas or any other clothing that covers most of the body!

Note: This group isn’t just for clothes in general,

Rules are pretty general.
1. No Hateful/Threatening Comments.
2. No Spam. Try to make your posts relevant to the group. If you wanna announce that you made a story for this group then go ahead! Just don't write anything too off topic or request a video game live stream or anything completely unrelated to the group.
3. No NSFW images, This is site policy.
4. No unrelated stories, unless there is at least one chapter that puts emphasis on wearing a bodysuit or costume that covers almost all of the body.



Also try: Latex Ponies, Living Clothes and Body Control

(If there is anything I left out, or you have any questions or concerns regarding the group feel free to send me a message or talk about it in the forums and I will edit this page)

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