• Member Since 19th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Mike the Red

I do this just for fun -- but sometimes I take myself a little too seriously. I know life's too short, but -- you know...


Back from the dead? · 3:32am Apr 30th, 2022

Just to let you know I'm back to some degree and working on a new story, which is more like two stories in one, alternate universes and such.
Also, I hope to receive more views and comments on the story.

Report Mike the Red · 142 views ·

The Story Which Deserves A Better Fate

The Trouble With Time Travel

I have no idea why this story has been getting the negative response it has. I would appreciate any feedback on how I could improve it.

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Comments ( 115 )
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Terrible thing to experience. That's why I keep mine locked in a salt circle and feed it fish.

Additionally, whenever anything comes to me, I quickly drum up a few sentences about it on my phone in an email or text to myself. Something quick to remind myself later, especially if the idea came at night and I don't want to boot up my computer. Even if none of it ever sees publication, it helps me keep my creative juices pumping. Can't say it works for everyone, but it helps me at least.

it's a great read already and I look forward to seeing future chapters.

I've lost my muse, which is why I rarely ever add anything to any of my stories...

Thanks for favoriting Once per Day

the art is by Marcus Bat on Facebook - it's one of the earliest drawings I have of my OC

Your profile picture's artstyle seems... familiar.

still here, still writing (to some degree)
I apologize for not finishing some of my more interesting stories

I was wondering if you were still around. Would hope you continue writing if just to finish some stories

Thank you -- I hope you might enjoy my stories even though I haven't written anything new in quite a long while.

Thanks for the follow!

  • Viewing 106 - 115 of 115
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