• Member Since 18th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen June 30th

Exeo Dying


Comments ( 58 )
  • Viewing 54 - 58 of 58

Thanks for the favorites. Hope you really liked the stories. Feel free to comment what you'd like to see next. Trying to get back to writing soon lol. Thanks again 😄😎

No problem dude. Good reads from all around your stories man. :3

I'm actually flattered that you have a library dedicated to my series. Thanks a bunch for reading, lad.

Thanks for adding Caught In The Act to your library. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for adding Fluff 'N' Stuff, Parts 1 and 2 to your library. :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 54 - 58 of 58
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