• Member Since 30th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen May 4th


For countless ages I’ve have seen and heard so much through out all of time itself.


Soon Arriving to Equestria! · 11:42pm April 23rd

It’s said “A certain kind of Evil can be capable of destroying another Evil, Origins unknown to these, lead on a path soon to be revealed to these”

An evil unknown and unnamed has found its way to Equestria along with this mysterious young individual who could perhaps be this very evil known only as “The Demonic Saurian!”

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Comments ( 122 )
  • Viewing 118 - 122 of 122

Thanks for the watch. =)

Thanks for the watch. May I ask how you got interested?

I red one of your stories and it was pretty good

Thank you so much for the watch! May I ask how I earned it?

  • Viewing 118 - 122 of 122
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