The Fan Group for You Amazing People 18 members · 0 stories

So, the reason this even exists:

All of you people ponies are AWESOME, and you deserve a fan group. Because everypony does.
So, feel free to post your stories here, or start a thread, or have a nice lil' discussion in the comments section.


Nobody likes rules, but we have to have them anyways.

1. Follow all site rules (I can't bend them, nor can anypony else)
2. Make sure to put your stories in the right folder
3. Have fun! :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 2 )
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414153 if you look next to the title of your group, you'll see a green pencil and from there you'll have the freedom to edit, make folders, invite people to your group as well. I oh this was helpful, if there anything else that you don't know what to do, just let me and I'll see what I can do.

I just realised--
I am so clueless as to how this works, that I don't know how to make folders.

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