• Member Since 10th Jun, 2015
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About Me

NAME: Blair Elizabeth Culp
NICKNAME(S): Pan, Dora, Kitty, Miss Pandora, Pandora Boxxx
OCCUPATION: unemployed but loves acting
BIRTHDAY: January 22nd, 1998
GENDER: cisgender female (born female and identify as female)
SEXUALITY: bisexual, male-leaning
STATUS: in a relationship

HEIGHT: 5'2"
WEIGHT: 277.4 lbs
BUILD: large and in charge (polite way to say fat), upper-medium bust (40C), thick thighs, squishy body
EYES: hazel
RACE: Caucasian
HAIR: Blackish-gray sidecut down to her neck, usually pulled back with a hair tie
SCARS: Small scar from a rejected genital piercing

PIERCINGS:​ hoop in left lower lip, gem stud in right nostril, navel barbell, barbell in left nipple, industrial barbell with a hand mandala dangling charm in cartilage of left ear, tongue stud
TATTOOS:​ “Lucky You” just above the base of her tail (four-leaf clover on the tail of the “y” in “Lucky”), “Carpe Diem” across her breasts, sword through left middle finger, BDSM emblem with “FREAK” on inner left forearm, “Pandora Boxxx” on inner right thigh, black rose on outer left calf, Army E5 insignia on upper right arm

PERSONALITY: compassionate, creative, dark, eccentric, helpful, masochistic, open-minded, playful, sensitive, sexual, sweet, thoughtful
LIKES: Food (especially peanut butter candy), cuddles, petting, sex, Gothic literature (Poe and such), music (heavy metal, death metal, DSBM, pornogrind, deathcore, grindcore, Neue Deutsche Härte, symphonic metal, goth rock, classic rock, classic metal, old country like Willie Nelson, deathstep, dubstep, 60s, 70s, 80s, some 90s), getting body art done, goth aesthetic, the color black, singing, drawing, writing
DISLIKES:​ Politics, loneliness, prudes, the crap they play on “Top 40” radio stations, bro country, invalidation, nonconsensual bodily modifications

ILLNESSES: Autism spectrum disorder (technically a birth defect caused by a TBI in utero), bipolar disorder not otherwise specified, clinical depression, generalized anxiety disorder, borderline personality disorder


Happy birthday to me! · 2:59pm January 22nd

Welp, today I turn 26 and I am absolutely riding an emotional high. It's hard to type this with nails on, but I'll try. I'm happy that I got to celebrate on Saturday, and I'm going to spend most of today relaxing. I hope you enjoy 26 Candles and I hope y'all are doing okay.

Report PuzzlingInsanity · 85 views · Story: 26 Candles · #birthday
Comments ( 127 )
  • Viewing 123 - 127 of 127

Aw I'm so glad!
Once MLD ends, i plan on writing other stories and hoping to have that same engaging feeling.
So I hope you enjoy what's to come if you stick around for it :)

No problem! So far it's an engaging story!

thankyou so so much for adding 'my little diseases' to your favorites :D

Hey! I would appreciate it if I could get some professional feedback on my masterpiece!

TAll Day, Everyday.
Follow the journey of a little girl who takes her football to the next level!
Penanka72 · 143k words  ·  121  19 · 1.1k views

Just randomly self-promoting my work to get the story out there. Feel free to look at my other stories!

Thank you for reading friend!:twilightsmile:

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