• Member Since 10th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Someone who hijacked the orbital defence grid. Let's hope it doesn't have to be used.


THIS STORY IS PERMANENTLY CANCELLED. I'm sorry, but between losing the original drafts several times over, moving half a country away from a co-author who has since left the fandom, and (most importantly) a crippling lack of motivation, this story has finally been pulled off of life support. Thank you to those who enjoyed it while it lasted, and I'm sorry it didn't develop further.
TL;DR is up top here, while the longer, original description is down below the break.

An advanced, U.N.-built and -run battleship built as a new class of weapons system dropped off the face of the Earth during its Shakedown Cruise, but that doesn't mean it was destroyed - far from it, in fact, as several ponies are about to find out....


((Original, longer description begins here. Looking at you, TNaB.))

It just won't stop.

First it was the Taliban, then the Jihadis of Al-Quaeda. And when they all seemed to be done, we let our guard down, and now Geneva, Belgium is a nuclear wasteland irradiated more than even Pripyat. How will the world react when the Representatives of every UN, NATO, EU, and G8 nation are glassed by nuke-happy Mongolian Extremists, Hell-bent on restoring the Golden Hoarde of Ghengis Kahn?


Everyone gets so pissed, even Kim-Li Jung (the son of Kim-Jong Un) gives up trying to nuke Washington, D.C. for the sake of retaliation against the Kahnites.

However, by the year 2030, technology has advanced enough to where, when Sub-Hypersonic Commercial Air Travel is common and Mankind has the technology to start Terraforming Mars to be more hospitable to humans, just how much of such technological development has reached the Military and its Departments of Research?

Enough to say three words:
Railgun-Armed Battleships.

However, such a ship has not been truly tested in the field; in fact, the joint-UN testbed prototype unit is the only one that has truly worked more than a few hours in a CAD program or simulated firing ranges. But when duty calls, its all-hands on deck for a glimpse of the world's future militaries.

Just.... what is the purpose of this secure computer terminal next to the navigation consoles? Oh well, it has the internet, and Three-Star Admiral of the United Stated Navy - SOCOM Fritz S. SturmWanderer never did get to completely see the rest of that one animated show that his late daughter loved so much, that one of the last things she asked for from her Father was to watch the show to the end for her, and let her know what happened in the great after. Well, we're sailing from Norfolk, Virginia to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, so he should have some time, right?

... Right?

"Oh hell, now was die scheiße have I gotten us into this time?"
-Admiral Fritz S. SturmWanderer


FYI: this is a CO-AUTHORED JOINT-VENTURE between myself and a wonderful friend of mine, a one Mr. Dasubur. You will be seeing various pieces throughout the story from both of our collaborative efforts into this, please keep this in mind while reading due to the different writing styles. In a nutshell, he edits my chapters, and I edit his; and we conglomerate daily to discuss how to take this along without stringing the loose ends out to strangle the plot. Thank you.

A/N: Yes, that's an Anthro tag. Yes, there may-or-may-not be some form of Nudity/Explicitly Adult Content. Yes, this is currently accurate. Yes, the tags are subject to change. Yes, the "Terrorists" are Mongolians. What, did you expect to have Space-Nazis from the surface of Venus? Let's not use an already-overused stereotype cliche, eh? You have problem? My complaint department, led by a one Miss Pinkamena Diane Pie, is now taking preliminary rants. Thank you for your patronism.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 45 )

So is Equestria in the Slavery period? By the way, the story's awesome!


Hey, thanks!

And to answer your question, I won't answer your question by saying,

"I'm sure it will all make sense in the course of- well, I'm not really at liberty to say."
-- G-Man, Half-Life 2: Episode 2


Comment posted by Doctor_Brony1234 deleted Oct 28th, 2013
Comment posted by Doctor_Brony1234 deleted Oct 28th, 2013

having been the one who helped write this, I'll tell you this

Slavery has been officially abolished in this universe but...

They're already breaking the law, so why would an evil stallion follow it? :moustache:

tl:dr... and that was just the description.
You want more views, I suggest that you make the description more relevant to the story, and make it short enough to not push people away.

Chop that description down to size, or at least put the FYI after the story information.

Also, this chapter needs more paragraphs. Nobody likes a wall of text.

This chapter is formatted little better, but try using italics instead of setting of things with marks like ~

you didn't even read it, your input has no meaning to me.Not trying to sound like I'm insulting you, but I'm more worried about input from people who actually read it.

they are in italics, well at least they should be.
I'll see what I can do about the description.

EDIT: huh, why are those not in italics? I'll see about fixing that.

3416426 He has a point, though. He didn't read it because the description turned him off. Getting people to actually give the story a try is the first step to success.

The premise in the description is a real turn off. Mongolians? Seriously?

would you rather have Nazi or something really overused?

Aye, I'm sorry about the description, I have changed it some to better fit some of the things brought up by both you and other readers. Sorry that the description was a turn-off to you, I just am not as well-versed as some other authors on this site (or almost any other, for that matter). I do wish that you would at least give the story a try, although it is appearing that the first Prolouge chapter will need some re-formatting. Sorry for the wasted time of yours (if you're like me, then the time you spend reading fanfics on here is crucial and very important), though I do still hope you could give the story a try nonetheless?

Anyways, thank you for your input about problems with this, I did ask for people to let me know what I had done wrong with this, and that is precisely what you did. You, sir/madame, have my thanks in that regard.

Quite honestly, if you have a better idea, I would be more than willing to hear it.


No srsly, what is it? I kinda hit a dead-end on how to fit that in, considering that the story itself has taken a much different direction than when I uploaded that description a few months back to a non-published version of this story, as well as gaining another author in the process. If you do have any ideas, I would be more than gracious to hear and, if useable, will be used with all credit for the idea and concept in that regard going to you. I do plan on including the said Terrorists; but like I said, I've kinda hit a dead-end on how to include Mongolian terrorists in that regard, less than a few other ideas that I've had. Yet I also am trying to avoid using a cliche'd or over-used enemy in that regard, there's too many of those stories already, and I'm trying to have this one be at least slightly different than the mane-stream commonplace.....

Would you be willing to help in that regard for a concept as for the Earthly-enemy-that-will-most-likely-figure-out-how-the-hell-to-find-their-way-to-Equestria-and-start-f*cking-sh*t-up entities/organization?

You, sir/madame, bring up a very valid point, one that I have already adressed in the temporary aspect, but will be fixed and restructured more effectively once I'm done in my Auto Tech class...

3420164 I'll take a look at the story.

hopefully the changes made today will make this story more readable than before.
if you have any suggestions please let us know.

Hey yo's, author of next chapter here -

Just want to say that I'm not dead (yet), and the chapter is still coming along, I'm just having so many ideas about how to form the first battle, and subsequent first contact, that I've literally written the word count from around 6k words up to anywhere from 10k-15k words; although, I found one that I've very much fallen for, and have decided to use. The story will be progressing; and if the chappy isn't out by Friday, then either 1.) procrastination will have become a recognised crippling disability, or 2.) I'm dead. I'll let you know if 2 comes to fruition.

Thanks everyone who's read this for reading this, and trust me - the battleship might seem to practically be a mary sue in its own right, but I assure you - while not being invincible by any means, the U.S.S. Wrath of Geneva is going to have some choice responces for anyone or anypony who try to belittle her might....

All ahead full, and man your action stations - we're going in hot!

I just read the intro thingy and all I have to say is the uss new York is spouse to be fitted with a rail gun in 2025 after the one that is currently going thrue the final stages of prototype testing they are testing how many rounds the barrel can Handel before being replaced:pinkiegasp:

3766927 Oooh shiiii bro, that sounds AWESOME! Thanks for bringing that to my attention!

Have a Moustache!:moustache:


if the chappy isn't out by Friday



3857927 ........

Because the thing that I was saving it to was a micro SD card, I lost my micro SD-to-SD card adapter, I was over 25k words into the chapter, and I was (and still rather am) too unwilling to write that all over again from scratch? Do you have any idea how much your fingers will start cramping after doing a 19.85k word streak of drafting in less than an hour? It hurts like a motherf:yay:ker! I do /NOT/, want to go through that s:yay:t again; I wouldn't wish that against my worst enemies.... Nor Stalin, even if he may have deserved the medical problems that would have arrived from literally shredding your finger's muscles from typing so much, combined with effectively rendering your hands with no feeling due to fraying your carpal tunnel like a string of yarn on a belt sander..... Though, first-world problems aside, I will let people know when I'm able to reach my drafts, along with resuming the typing; the reprieve from the story's actual writing has given my editor/co-author time to hash out some more finer details, along with how to actually include certain things that we weren't even sure if we would be able to work in, so it has payed off somewhat, though I truly am sorry for leaving everyone out like this. I know what it is like whenever someone starts reading a story they start to really like, only for it to go on hiatus and/or be cancelled almost immediately. I hate it when it happens, I just do not have the ability to access my drafts, nor do I have the money to pay for more reconstructive surgery to half of the muscles located past my wrists....

Is it sad that I understood that little bit of german in the description?

4154230 oh goodness, not at all! Das ist sehr gut! That means that some of the readers actually understand a language other than English, which is what a majority of this site either only knows, or think that they know - while not knowing any other language at that...

4154388 I just want to thank you for replying to my comment because I forgot to read your story:derpytongue2:

4154535 Eh, no problem.

I am legitimately attempting to work on the story - keyword is attempting. I know what I want to write, I'm just having a severely hard time putting thought into word. Once I can figure that out, then I'll have another chapter out. Until then, I'm going to have this in the state it's at. Thanks for taking the time to read this, however! It does make me have a big warm fuzzy inside...

4926503 lol idk, I think at the time I 'whoops'-ed and thought Geneva was in Belgium, not Switzerland...

6629036 Maybe. Someday. I haven't had the computer the draft for the next chapter was on for over 3 years, let alone having the draft itself (corrupted beyond salvage, all 13,000 words of it - a victim of a vicious blue-screen attack overnight while I was asleep, combined with the computer being an old turd donated to a school system for students to use, was replaced by three more turds before the school year ended). Between that, my attempts at characterizing suck so much a vacuum would blush, and since I have moved a few times (synced with my editor so well because we lived 2 miles from each other then, and saw each other at least an hour a day, because mutual classes), it makes things more difficult.

Well, that and, being so irreparably lazy that, if I'm hungry, I'll eat something cold from the fridge instead of taking thirty seconds to heat it up.... That kind of laziness doesn't help any...

6629184 aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggg!

6629336 admittedly, when you said you wanted more, it did get me thinking of what I had drafted out the Battleship's capabilities to be, and starting to get some gears turning again for a few ideas - this may lead to a new chapter, but if I was going to do a new chapter, then I'd have to re-write the first two, and get in touch with my editor again. But, it may lead to a chapter. I seriously don't know yet.

I'm intrigued
3412671 I'll watch this story

This is a great story so far mate and I look forward to whenever you post the next chapter.

7117309 honestly, it's been hard. My muse, mojo, and original idea of where I wanted the story to go have long since either left, dried up, or been corrupted beyond repair (looking at you, flash drive...). I honestlu can make jo guarantees that it will ever be updated, though I hope as much as everyone else it one day can be. I've written about 150 words for it today, the most I'vewritten since January, but a case of the flu and a migrant that makes your vision shakey every time your heart beats kind of kills the mood. I can't even tell if I'm writing this okay, my eyes are closed and I'm typing by muscle memory.

I just hope I can write something g, there are still several thinks I want to get sown for this before it ever kicks the bicket.

Also, was this story asses to a new group? I've gotten more faves on this in 24 hours than I've gotten in the last 5 months.

7117957 I understand how much losing your muse and mojo kills your want to write mate, and I do believe you were added to a group.

well Dimitry is on board.....but the question is....wheres Ivan?

hey i got a solution, just find someone who written storys like this on the fandom and let them continue it instead of discontinuing this story and u not having to fool with the story anymore, u know, let them write/make the chapters and stuff etc (like just handing the story to them)

well ok, i tried and failed (it was worth a shot asking though)

but if u know of any storys similar to this can u plz send me a link to it because its getting harder and harder to find storys like this

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