First Damn Blog... · 12:50am May 3rd, 2014
I know I don't have many followers, and to those I DO have, I'm sorry for the lack of updates on my story. Please do understand that I really want to continue it because it's something we all, as a small but friendly group enjoy. I'm on a writers block, a lack of ideas on how to continue it. I have most of the middle and some of the end planned out. If you have any ideas, feel free to PM me, and give me some ideas.
I do have some rules, however.
Thanks faving my story!
Hi, I like muffins! Do you like them too?
Random follow day, now is everyday (WOW!!) Feel free to return it (Or not...)
1056246 I dunno I just didn't expect it
It's Ed Edd n Eddy, how do you expect me to NOT fave it?