• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago



Currently busy being an incredibly lazy writer.


Feel free to message me about anything. I'll answer things as best as I can.

The Zone Shall Never Die

Why I shouldn't be allowed near MS Paint

(This is a pegasus)


Probably the last update on Smashing Down for the foreseeable future · 10:16pm May 22nd, 2023

When I last posted about it, a year ago, I talked about how the Invasion of Ukraine left me unwilling to write it because of the central focus: The Russian team that is the primary POV of the story. Back in 2020, I even started preliminary work on a rewrite, but that was before the invasion, before I started to read up more on military equipment, and before I improved further as a writer.

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Report Merchent343 · 203 views · Story: Smashing Down ·
Comments ( 81 )
  • Viewing 77 - 81 of 81

Hope your doing good and good luck. I know how this "special military operation" is taking tolls on everyone 'cus I live in Mongolia and there is many Russian families are now living here. They are really good people and I enjoy talking with them. Very friendly and polite people. Running from their home because of unfortunate events and uncaring leaders. So I hope you will feel a little better with this information. 😀

Thanks for the follow!

Is 'Smashing Down' still a go?
It really is a good story.

Thank you for the watch!

Soo just seeing one my favorite stories on FIMFiction "Smashing Down" and enjoying again, wish you luck on whatever you doing right now:twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 77 - 81 of 81
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