• Member Since 14th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 4th, 2014



Sorry! I'll get back to work now. · 3:35am Mar 27th, 2013

Just as the title says, I'm sorry!

Although I'm not important to many of y'all out there, I'm just stating that I'm coming back to the writing game.

The only reason why I haven't updated my fic is because of personal reasons. However, I promise that I'm coming out with a new chapter soon~

Be sure to be on the look out~

I'm back! And I hope for good!

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Piiiiiiiiiaaaaaa! :fluttershysad:

Hey Pia. It's been a while. :twilightsheepish:
Sooo, watcha been up to?

Why thanks for the fave of my silly story, good sir.

You love me?

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