• Member Since 21st Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 23rd, 2016


Writer/Developer for the official MLP trading cards and collectible card game, EQD columnist, retired founding staff of BronyCon and the Humble Brony Bundle, and generally an okay sorta guy!

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I know he got a job at Enterplay and kinda stopped doing pony stuff because he had NDAs related to it and such. I saw him playing Warframe a few days ago. That's a 4 year gap and I really don't know what he's up to these days :<

I'm fucking awful at keeping in touch with people. When I stopped doing stuff for EqD, I basically just went fuckit and didn't communicate with anything for 3 years.

  • Viewing 69 - 73 of 73
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Let's April Fools like it's 2011! · 11:11pm Apr 1st, 2015

Sometimes I'm awful at remembering my own (tiny) library of works, so I was surprised and delighted when someone told me today that every April 1st they think of Pinkie Pie's Incredible Interplanetary Super Prank and feel like they need to re-read it. Awwww~

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Report Cupcakes · 602 views ·