Writer/Developer for the official MLP trading cards and collectible card game, EQD columnist, retired founding staff of BronyCon and the Humble Brony Bundle, and generally an okay sorta guy!
Are you ready, kids? Also a thingy so my pizza funds don't run out anytime soon.
Fimfic's favorite painkiller, editorial writer for Equestria Daily, and a blog author for Equestria After Dark.
Author and dramatic reader from YouTube. All your pony are belong to us.
The future depends on me, and my horde of Evil Overlords.
I'm older than your average brony, but then I've always enjoyed cartoons. I'm an experienced reviewer, EqD pre-reader, and occasional author.
Benman belongs to a class of bipedal ape notable for its use of tools and clothing, highly adept at symbolic communication such as language and art.
Eeeek! We have to do bios, too?! What can I say?! I'm an ex-EqD Pre-reader, and have been dormant as a writer in general for quite some time now. I'm not as good at writing as I once thought I was.
Fanfic writer, gamer, and whatever other labels I'm forgetting.
Thanks, but please don't send me cash "tips." Instead, support this charity: The Fletcher Street Urban Riding Club.
Fanfiction masochist. :B She/they https://ko-fi.com/presentperfect
Cloudy writes stories. Cloudy likes it when ponies like each other maybe a little too much and sometimes end up in love. Cloudy writes stories about these things, often.
The official Rainbow Dash of the PonyTown Roleplay Region