• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen May 21st, 2022


Eeeek! We have to do bios, too?! What can I say?! I'm an ex-EqD Pre-reader, and have been dormant as a writer in general for quite some time now. I'm not as good at writing as I once thought I was.


PSA · 12:37pm Nov 4th, 2014

Don't drink and internet, kids.

Also, on an unrelated note, I'm hungover as shit.
And an idiot.

More on this story as it progresses. (Or not. Whatever.)

Report Krypqe · 561 views ·

My Fictional Word Things

Comments ( 12 )
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Author Interviewer

Here in the last week? Krypqe, you old so-and-so, where've you been hiding? :D

I see you haven't had a comment on your profile for a while, so here's one for the road

If you faved Lament of a Spoon, maybe there. Otherwise, iunno.

572338 A miracle, you say?! Well now, that's interesting.

It's a pity the fic's pretty poor! At least I now feel a little famous for something~~

Er... Hey! Um. Do I know you from somewhere?!

  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12
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