• Member Since 19th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen May 12th, 2015


Just a reader, who may end up writing something if the inspiration comes up. For those who are curious, the stallion in my profile pic is called Pine Breeze.


Priorities and stuff... · 10:06pm Sep 29th, 2012

As much as I want to write my Blackmail Crime some more, I'm not entirely comfortable with continuing the chapters until I have a solid plot line set in stone. This requires a bit of time as you both know (Secrets & Lies and Boomstick). I'm currently in college going full time as well as having an active social life. As cool as both of these sound, I hardly have enough time to keep up with my recent updated favorite stories, let alone find time to continue brainstorming. Now does this mean that

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Thanks for faviing Battle of the Blanks! What part of my story do you like?

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