• Member Since 22nd Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 13th, 2015


Hi. I'm just a guy. I might write sometime. I don't know.


An appology, introduction, new beginning? · 10:22pm Oct 1st, 2015

Ah, I really don't know.

So first off, I'll make this part quick. I'm not dead yet, still out there and kicking. And this immediately segways into the appology part.

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Report BoundSoul · 339 views ·
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Hm... another dead profile it seems.

Nah, it's fine-- I could relax after a crazy day in the office.

Unfortunately it didn't end well... I ended up with Gout on the right foot due to too much dining and now it hurts badly. I blame that on too much merry-making and drinking :ajsleepy:

After a while I got used to it, it's a matter of adjustment.

Sure; have you done up the illustrations? For some reason, I think it's a tumblr thingy....

Ah - don't worry about it, hope you had a restful vacation.

I can imagine, meeting new people is like a nightmare for me :P

Not really, perhaps one day, Faxxy ;P

It really does. Oh well.

No, not that often. Usually I only write when I'm writing on the comic's storyline

Yup. I get to meet new people all the time and help them as part of work. Slowly it gets annoying through.
Cliches? Is it random slice of life? I wish I could see that web comic one day:P
Music is great, it soothes the heart. :)
Not for stories...... poetry or new lyrics maybe?

(Sorry for the late reply. Had to go on a short vacation and somehow my mobile phone rejected this site's safety certificate for some reason which means I can't view here on mobile)


Ahhh sorry to hear that work still is so taxing

It's about clichees.

I don't know, I listen to all kinds of music, that said, I've been playing more piano recently anyways.

I wasn't truly planning on anything to be honest

Ah, I can get that, heh. I've written, just not for story stuff.

  • Viewing 176 - 180 of 180
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