All About Threats · 12:00pm Apr 8th, 2017
I read that scientists, by using magnets, had 'turned off' the threat centres in people's brains, and that this made them 'change their attitudes towards immigrants.' Obviously, the stunning revelation that people don't like immigrants because they feel threatened by them is one that will echo down the ages as a revelation made possible only by scientific brilliance, but given that such experiments are likely to continue, I'd like to make a few predictions.
Just stopped by to say how much I love your name!
Good day ~Dollars.
I object to your bio!
The French made poutine. Although, I guess that would fall under the category of 'Awesome French Things' wouldn't it?
It was made in Quebec, which is French, so don't even try to argue about it being made by them frenchies.
2410070 Hoorah!
2404552 Don't worry, the French aren't a race, just a sub-caste. I have a hint of Irish ancestry, though it seems to have faded a bit. I do have a grandma from Essex, but she's lived in Nottinghamshire for years.
Edit: I'm not under the misapprehension that Essex is in Ireland. I just mean that that's my only Southern blood.
2404542 Maths was my strength in school, but I've probably lost my touch after a few years of neglecting all but addition and multiplication. (You don't find need to do much else day to day.) Etymology is fascinating, it's always interesting to know what words were derived from, their origins, their evolution etc.
No such thing as too southern mate, well until you hit France at least. (Political correctness disclaimer: That was a joke, do not brand me as a racist.) Most of my family are in Bromley, which borders London and Kent, and the rest are in Dublin. Although saying that, I haven't seen any of them in years, who knows, they may have all moved!