• Member Since 4th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Radiant Sparkle


Change of name · 12:38am Oct 18th, 2016

So, for reference, in case anyone checks, I was "Kitsudragon" until recently.

A while back, I took a 50-question "What's your Pony name" test. The answer was both embarrassing and incredibly accurate. After a lot of hemming and hawing, I've finally decided to adjust the user name to reflect it.

Yes, this means I've got a White Knight complex a mile wide. Deal with it. :twilightsmile:

Report Radiant Sparkle · 328 views ·
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Whoa, Nelly, another new follower! I feel like... like... a wanted criminal! Hooray!

Achievement Unlocked!

You have earned the...

While normally I'd post a cute, silly, and customized message...AAAAAA, I'M IN THE FEATURE BOX AND THEY'RE POURING IN LIKE THE FLOOD IN THE FIRST HALO GAME!

Thanks for faving both "The Sun Also Rises" and "Six Nights (And A Day) With Sunset"! I hope that you enjoy the rest of my works as well!

Thank you for favouriting "Her Inner Demons" :twilightsmile:

Hi! Thanks so much for adding some of my stories to your shelves! I hope you enjoyed them both. :)

Of course, feel free to check out my other stories as well. And welcome to the site! Great to have you here. :pinkiehappy:

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