• Member Since 23rd Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen July 17th


Who am I? Does it really matter? Probably not. Just sit back and enjoy stories drawn from the eldritch depths of a disturbed mind with a love for pastel colored ponies.

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New chapter of Year of Mysery and Hope on the horizon · 3:33pm Nov 25th, 2017

Hey all. Been a while since I've posted anything. Well, with Thanksgiving break, I've finally been a little productive in my Fall of Equestria series and just about finished another chapter. Right now, I need to proof read and give it a day to settle in my head before coming back to it, see if there's any blaring problems and the like. Plus send it by an editor.

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Comments ( 43 )
  • Viewing 39 - 43 of 43

I’ve been wondering whether or not you are a Christian?

It’s mostly in reference to you being a member of the “Christian Bronies” group.

It's not something I've done before, but you can send me a direct message and we can discuss it there.

It's cool dude, are you still by any chance interested in taking requests?

  • Viewing 39 - 43 of 43
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