New chapter of Year of Mysery and Hope on the horizon · 3:33pm Nov 25th, 2017
Hey all. Been a while since I've posted anything. Well, with Thanksgiving break, I've finally been a little productive in my Fall of Equestria series and just about finished another chapter. Right now, I need to proof read and give it a day to settle in my head before coming back to it, see if there's any blaring problems and the like. Plus send it by an editor.
I’ve been wondering whether or not you are a Christian?
It’s mostly in reference to you being a member of the “Christian Bronies” group.
What's up?
I Have Just Two Questions to Ask
It's not something I've done before, but you can send me a direct message and we can discuss it there.
It's cool dude, are you still by any chance interested in taking requests?