• Member Since 5th Oct, 2013
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Ask Rin. · 3:40pm Jul 5th, 2015

for the future Bonus Chapters, my Pet Dungeon. What questions would you like the reporter to ask for the flashbacks?

Report Clockworklich · 2,091 views · Story: The Beating of my Heart. ·

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Comments ( 19 )
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Yes, just don't have a lot of time on my hands.

Hey there. Im sorry about my cringe and my degeneracy. I, at the time of my first comments, completely misjudged everything in the situation, and hope that you have a good day, whetever you may be.

I won't comment again. Thanks, if you read this, for giving me a chance to right my wrong by not blocking me or something. I don't know how that's supposed to look, but whatever. Thank you, for both the story, and this chance.

You ever heard of Kamen Rider Ex-Aid?

Do you never want to see a UwU again? Are you sick and tired of UwU? WELL do I got the product for you UwU REPELLENT just a couple of sprays on your computer and you will never see a UwU again...because your computer will be broken because thats right UwU repellent is just water well at least you won't have to deal with those pesky UwUs

  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19
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