• Member Since 24th May, 2013
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Wind of the Skies

Just a Pony who wants to write about other Ponies


Laptop get! · 5:06am Dec 15th, 2023

So, I'm still not home, and it's getting unclear if we ever will, on this silly adventure to help the roommate, but on the plus side, the person we're staying with out of state heard that i wanted to get a laptop sometime to do my writing on, because let's face it, typing on a phone with these freakishly large hands is a losing prospect. Anyways, they heard I wanted one, so they gifted me their Thinkpad they never use, I factory reset it and got it running my word processor. and after a

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Comments ( 161 )
  • Viewing 157 - 161 of 161

I did enjoy it, thanks for sharing the story!

Thnaks for the fav. Hope you liked it.

Of course! I look forward to reading more of it

I did enjoy it, thanks for posting it!

Thank you for enjoying my silly story, Windy! :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 157 - 161 of 161
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