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Wind of the Skies

Just a Pony who wants to write about other Ponies


Laptop get! · 5:06am Dec 15th, 2023

So, I'm still not home, and it's getting unclear if we ever will, on this silly adventure to help the roommate, but on the plus side, the person we're staying with out of state heard that i wanted to get a laptop sometime to do my writing on, because let's face it, typing on a phone with these freakishly large hands is a losing prospect. Anyways, they heard I wanted one, so they gifted me their Thinkpad they never use, I factory reset it and got it running my word processor. and after a

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About Arcane Steel · 8:15pm Nov 17th, 2023

I know the story is a complete mess, but I would deeply love to get back to working on it, but I can't until I get back home. Also gotta be known, Arcane Steel, Flashing Blades was a working title. I put a lot of work into the outline but neglected to give a proper title, or thought to some important details I've neglected. I've been out of state since the third, as my roommate took me on an adventure to buy their first semi, they said a week to get it and drove home. But instead I've been

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Slice of Mango is complete! · 6:19pm Jul 10th, 2019

I would drag it out longer but it was always my plan to have it be brief, so i wouldn't have a chance to ruin the innocence and love of the story or to bite off more than I can chew. In a week I will probably merge the 2 chapters together. but I'm glad i finished this out. I know nothing about elementary school or the education system.

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Slicier! · 2:57pm Jun 17th, 2019

I'm still working on the next chapter of Slice of Mango. In my head the story will not be more than 10 chapters at the most. it's only meant to show the first day of school and Sugarplum's happy life. when it's finished I'm going to be merging it all into one chapter however.

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Drop! · 11:26pm May 24th, 2019

The first chapter has been dropped! I don't intend to make this more than 5 chapters max however. but enjoy my adventure in slice of life!

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Slice of Mangoes · 12:41am May 16th, 2019

The story is coming along well so far, I'm still writing it. I hope I show the sweetness and purity i want to show with the story.

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New Story coming soon! · 2:21am May 8th, 2019

I decided to start a new story, I'm not sure where Desert Sands will go. I lost the idea. I'm going to try my hoof at a slice of life story. Featuring cuteness and batponies.

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Dear Followers, · 3:38am Aug 6th, 2018

To Whom it May Concern,

Y'all are groovy and enigmatic. I'm rather tired. And it's cool as heck how many names I recognize as great people on my followers page. Even if I have no clue why you all follow me.

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I'm a joke :D · 10:18pm Nov 7th, 2017

So I doubt anyone is gonna care. because whatever. But for those foolish enough to follow my horrible stories you should know I'm giving up on this pathetically laughable attempt of writing. Both for this, and Bookhorse. Which is my other story. I'm giving up, flaking out. whatever you wanna call it. I'm just making it official right now instead of leaving it like this for longer. at least August and September had the excuse of me being in the Army but I'm not anymore and I don't have an

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I'm baaaaack · 4:18pm Sep 22nd, 2017

So that whole "Adventure" was certainly a one of a kind experience. one I wasn't prepared for at all. It's helped me learn a few things and certainly took a whole lot out of me. I might start working on my story again, or possibly on Bookhorse. I know that one doesn't get enough attention from me. though I do prefer working on The Adventures of Us, mostly because that was and continues to be inspired by wonderful people I am blessed to return to. So I guess what this boring and disappointingly

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