Hidden Depth Rainbow 159 members · 125 stories

You think there is a little more to our beloved speedster than she lets on?
Then You came to the right place, my friend.

This group is dedicated to the hidden depths that may be found behind Rainbow Dash's brash and arrogant front. Wether it be intelligence she never displays, skills she hides or a family that is completely at odds with what we expect, we celebrate learning new things about our favourite weathermare.

Feel free to add stories as you see fit, but remember to add them to the appropriate folders.

Top Stories - Only admins may add to this folder, it is reserved for stories that execute the concept of hidden depths especially authentically or originally.
Education - Rainbow Dash has some form of education that is never mentioned in the show.
Skills - Rainbow Dash posesses unexpected or secret Skills, that she never told anyone about.
Heritage - The hidden depths are part of her families history or are otherwise related to her parentage or upbringing.
Backstory - Anything that is not directly related to her education or heritage skills and happened to her sometime prior to the show's canon.
Alternate Universe - Interpretations of Rainbow Dash in worlds that differ from the main MLP-FiM Universe. Any story set in a world noticeably different from what we know from the show belongs here.

Comments ( 4 )
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Comment posted by Rainbow sparkle1 deleted Jul 16th, 2021


2 members? We can do better..


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