I’ve tried everyday, but I failed · 6:58pm Sep 11th, 2018
Hi, it’s me. Sorry to keep you waiting for so long without any updates. I’ve been... well, not very good, to be honest.
Writer, Vector Artist, GIF Aficionado, Toe Bean Enthusiast, and Full-time Sales Associate.
Hi, it’s me. Sorry to keep you waiting for so long without any updates. I’ve been... well, not very good, to be honest.
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Here to make your day 'cuz why not
He may or may not have walked in on a coworker engaging in unorthodox activity in the workplace.
<looks at userpic>
... Dare I ask what he's doing to warrant that expression?
Thank you for adding my story The Heart of Pleasure to your lists. I would love to read what you like about it in the comments. ^_^
Thanks for adding The Griffin Chronicle to one of your folders! When you can, could you possibly tell me what do you like/dislike about it?