Updates all around!... Hopefully · 1:06am Apr 23rd, 2019
Now its been awhile since I last updated any of my stories since my teeth-breaking accident. So lets get that out of the way first.
My two front teeth are still broken and its gonna cost me 1600.00 just to fix one of them. Together they 3200.00 total to fix...yeah that much. Take care of your teeth kids cause its gonna cost you an arm and a leg to fix them. Anyway, I been trying to get overtime at work in hopes of getting the money I need faster, so I haven't focusing on writing too much.
Thanks for the watch! I hope you enjoy what my brain comes up with.
Here to make your day 'cuz why not
No thanks needed. You earned it.
Thanks for the faves on The Crystal and the Mirage and Unbalanced Scales.
Thank you for watching me. I hope you enjoy my madness.