• Member Since 12th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen April 17th


"Find peace with your pace, everything destined shall fall into place." - Anonymous

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TCC: An update - 12/29/2017 · 1:06pm Dec 29th, 2017

Hi there everypony, I simply wanted to say thank you primarily. :pinkiesmile:💖

Despite late chapter postings, it makes me happy a lot of you still are following the story.:twilightsheepish:

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Report Michy · 858 views · Story: The Clockwork Consequence ·
Comments ( 8 )
  • Viewing 4 - 8 of 8

Eeeeeee! I'm super excited to see you're still updating Clockwork Consequences! 😍 I love the way you weave so many different elements into the story! 💜

2084176 You're quite welcome, I really love the take you gave Twilight and Moondancer.

Thanks for replying to my comment. I feel a good author is one who conversates and looks back upon his/her story (not always taking the advise) but working with it to create a bigger and better product. Thank you again for writing your story the clockwork consequence. It's my favorite as you already know and I haven't found a better one since! Keep on writing I simply can't get enough and whe I'm done with the latest chapter I'm longing for more!


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